26 December 2020


There seems to be a war on, and I don't perceive that it's the same kind of war that most of us have trained for.  This isn't a war against an external threat that threatens the borders of this nation.  Nor am I referring to some shadow obviation of our fiat currency or technological security.
I am referring to the war that is currently being waged against the warriors who defend this nation. 
It is, without a doubt, the most subtle battle that I've ever experienced, but there is a battle there nonetheless.  I mean, I got the sense in February 1992, when the first edict out of the first Clinton administration was to "don't ask/don't tell" became a compromise to the wholesale legitimacy of homosexuality within the ranks of the military, that the actual ability of the military to suppress, close, and rip the throats out of our enemies was a secondary consideration in the upper-levels of the government. 
I thought, as a young Captain, that the Clintons wished to weaken the military culture that they had despised since the 1960s.
I was so wrong.  They didn't want to just "diversify" the military culture, they wanted to end it.  The military culture in the United States is perhaps the oldest.  It has hoary cultural traditions that are scary to this society, where any mode of behavior that is not closely supervised by some government bureaucrat is inherently dangerous and possibly suicidal.  The dichotomy is kinda big and deserves it's own section...

The Difference 
It's not dishonorable, just thoughtless.  All of us who have returned home face the inevitable... "Did you hafta kill anyone?" 

Unfortunately, the sheer numbers of those who choose to enlist/commission, against those who won't, will not sustain a sufficient number of people to allow us to maintain the culture that we've managed to sustain since the nation was born.   As a result, those who've had "skin in the game" become increasingly rare.  As with Rome, fewer and fewer understand what it means to bleed for one's oath, for one's nation.  As with Rome, once you've alienated those willing to bleed for you, you've lost the soul of the nation, since the willingness to do so is what binds us together as citizens.

Martius (AKA "Coriolanus") teaches us that we should fight for what we believe no matter what.   
-Coriolanus, Act III, Scene II


14 December 2020

Though these three men, Noah, Daniel, and Job, were in it, they should deliver but their own souls by their righteousness...

I remember feeling like I do right now back in 2012.  I was in my rig (a white gov't 4x4 pickup truck), listening to AM talk-radio following the presidential election.  

"Fuck 'em", I thought.  "If this is the will of the people, let 'em come on and do what they're going to do.  We'll see what happens after."

Trump happened after.

So now we have this here.  One of the most instructive utilities of the Trump administration is the true exposure of how deep the establishment "swamp" runs. 

Definitions are important, so let's get into the "Swamp" in this context.  "Swamp", can be defined as the established global corporations who funnel billions of dollars worth of lobby money into the legislature, and even more billions of dollars worth of graft into paying off bureaucrats in the executive branch to serve their interests at the detriment to the electorate.  While I have no readily available data indicating that such remarkable amounts of money are making it into the pockets of judges, to think that those worthies are immune to such graft is to deny a reasonable appreciation of human frailty in the face of overwhelming corruptive influences.  Suffice to say that I will conject that the judiciary is in on this too, if only because I'm not naïve, and I've observed judicial behavior.

The Swamp could not allow a second Trump administration.  They've pulled out all the stops since the day he was inaugurated.  On that day, numerous sages in the corporate media actually compared Trump to Hitler.  You can't do that again.  That's "11" on the volume knob, and they went there on DAY 1.  They created a Russia narrative.  They weaponized both the DoJ and the Intelligence Community to convince us that Trump was a Russian Asset, or to impeach him for doing something with the Ukraine which was actually true of his accusers.

They've emptied their vaults.  They got in bed with China, allowed China to cultivate a virus and destroy the working class, and covered for China at every turn.  This was the only course of action available to them in December of 2019.

In December of 2019, the GDP was somewhere around 3.9% (remember, we were told by the last President in 2011 that 1.8% growth in the GDP was "the new normal").  Working class wages, job availability, and minority unemployment were at the best that they ever had been.  We have not deployed in support of a new war since Trump took office.  The inner-cities were blooming unlike anything we'd seen since Eisenhower.

Then it all turned to shit.  Wuhan Flu, George Floyd, manufactured crisis, anarchy and war in the streets...

And yet the Dow/Jones still thrives.  Daily trading hit 30,000 in one day several weeks ago.

Small businesses crushed.  Whole towns effectively destroyed.  Local governments allowed their citizens to fend for themselves while being attacked in their homes and businesses.  District Attorneys in every Democrat-majority city are allowing criminals to go free for almost anything short of class "A" felony. An electorate denied their relief through the social contract.

Yet Silicon Valley thrives.  Amazon crushes all-time shipments.  Netflix and streaming services flourish.  Wal-Mart and Home Depot are killing it.  Local stores are dying.  Local restaurants and bars, bakeries and gyms, all of them are being crushed by government fiat.  Think about that.  Not because the people don't have the money or the desire to go there, but because the government has not favored them.  How pissed would you be if that was your business?  Where is the social contract here?  Why did you pay taxes and pay for licenses for decades, if this was your end?  

While the rich and powerful dine in comfort in trendy restaurants, I can't go with my wife when admitting her to the hospital for an afibrulated heart condition. She and I have to wait while she sits in the ER with no food and no rest for more than twelve hours, until they take her to a room. So that I can then talk to her through a closed window as she cries and suffers.  

I walk through a small town that I've lived in for almost twenty years.  I know it well, and yet I can't recognize folks whom I've known for years because we're all in masks to protect us from a virus that is fatal in less than .05% of those effected under the age of 60.  (We joke at work that you're more likely to die from a shark attack in a port-a-shitter at Checkpoint 35 in the Prospect Training Area than from this.) Social distancing holds us aloof from one another.  Masks rob us of our individuality.  We default to suspicion of one another, resentment, mistrust.

Yet China had one of the best quarters in the past three years by exporting masks and medical equipment to the world that they infected.

There is one public figure who brought this about by pointing out that America was being cheated of her potential.  To bring him down, they have crushed the working class, again, the same as they've done since China was allowed into the World Trade Organization in the early 1990s.  

On my news feed, I see Bill Gates, Tony Fauci, and each talking head (employed by one of the multi-national corporations that own every news outlet) telling me that all of this is necessary.  Just like NAFTA was "necessary".  Just like JPCOA, the Paris Accords, and TPP were "necessary".  Just like everything the establishment has ever done to us to sustain the impression that they know better than us, while taking what we have and are capable of making and sending it overseas.  

That illusion was destroyed in 2017.

Say what you want about the man (but do it somewhere else, though.  I've heard it all, and your narrow-minded disapproval of his reported flaws will not move me.) Trump showed us just how corrupt this establishment is.  He demonstrated that we didn't need to make war in SW Asia for oil, because we have all we could ever need here, thank you very much, and all we really needed to do was to explain to the Middle Eastern potentates that we're done fighting their wars for them, and then come home and get rid of the internal regulation that was holding down petroleum extraction within the United States.  Guess what?  We became energy independent within two years of Trump's inauguration, and they've been fighting their own fights over there without us.  We'd been lied to for fifty years.  Now we know different.

What else have we been shown?  Well, here's something.  We don't need China, China needs us.  The President dealt with China exactly how a sane businessman would, offering deals that would give mutual advantage.  We were killing it.  In December 2019, China had the worst sustained GDP development, bereft of our purchases, since the 1950s.  The main reason for that downturn was because the President had created a normalized trade agreement, so of course their GDP would take a hit.  Since they couldn't reap the profits off the backs of the American working class, the Chinese Communist Party came to the solution that they preferred to turn this around through actual biological warfare against the rest of the world.  The Swamp signed on for that one, and it's still using it to attempt to convince us that China is blameless.  

In light of this information, and given the reasonable doubt as a result of recent investigations that there is much to be in doubt with regards to the legitimacy of this election in at least five states, I think the working class is being sold down the river yet again.  When Big Media, Big Pharm, Silicon Valley, the US Chamber of Commerce, the vast majority of Wall Street, and the Large Global Banking Interests all agree in their opposition to a single man, I start wondering: what is their unifying common interest?  Further, those who claim to be part of the traditional left, in opposition to the "Man", the "Establishment", the "Reactionaries", why are you siding with the common interests of these mega-billionaires?  

Jesus wept.  Rage Against the Machine actually advocated using their lyrics to the song "Killing in the Name Of" as a mnemonic to recite while washing one's hands during COVID restrictions.  (So you sing the chorus... "Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me"... while you comply with the wishes of the WHO)

So that's the world right now, as it seems to be arrayed against us.  

What can we do in the face of this, you ask?

Get in the books.  There's a ton of things that I don't know that I should know.  I watched about a hundred MLB games per season since I stopped deploying.  I have had roughly 300 hours between March and October given back to me to get smart on things. Over the past five years, I've read the "Gulag Archipelago" by Solzhenitsyn, "A Brave New World" by Huxley, "Maps of Meaning" and "12 Rules for Life" by Peterson, "Camp of the Saints" by Raspail, and "Winter in Moscow" by Muggeridge.  I recommend all of them, though you'll need to hit me up if you want a copy of the last two.  Amazon has paperback copies of "Camp of the Saints" available for $148 and those of "Winter in Moscow" available for $758.  Good luck finding them in a library.  (I managed to find a copy of them both on an online abandoned book auction for less than $100 each.  Check those places out.  That's the only way this information will survive.  Silicon Valley is trying to kill it.)  Read the Constitution, and know it.  Read the Federalist Papers, where the founders explained their reasoning of arranging the government in the manner that they did.  Those things are your responsibility as a citizen, a steward of this Republic.  If you don't know these things and can't articulate a defense of them, then your children and grand-children don't have a chance in hell of living under such an arrangement.

Get local.  You've heard me say this before.  If Trump can't maintain office, and the incoming admin succeeds in packing courts and adding DC and Puerto Rico as States, this is not going to end well.  Get local.  If and/or when Federal and State governments start trying to flex their extra-constitutional muscle, the fella on the dime to enforce that bullshit will be your local leaders.  When that happens, you're going to have a bunch of nervous bureaucrats, who have access to statute law and armed men to enforce it, at odds with angry armed citizens who don't like it.  There needs to be a means of mediation that involves people talking to one another, and those people are us.  Go find a VFW, and American Legion, or a Marine Corps League.  If you're not former military, find a civilian group like the Elks.  

In 2004, when J. Paul Bremer [spits between fingers] fired the Iraqi government and every member of the Ba'athist party (i.e. "every Iraqi who had a job"), what resulted was something that I'd read about, but never, EVER, thought that I'd see in this world: A Hobbesian State of Nature.  Without a government to hold "All under awe. Where life will be nasty, brutish, and short."  Hobbes predicted that, in such a state, men would hole-up and defend their shit while slowly reaching out to their neighbors to effect "mutual protection associations".  This is a contract.  "If they come for your shit, I'm gonna roll in and help.  You'll do the same for me."

That gets bigger and bigger.  In Iraq, we saw the resurgence of the tribes in this manner.  For us, the tribes will be communities, and the leaders will be those who can mediate between the bureaucracy and the citizens.

Get in there.  Get ahead of this.  Hope for the best and assume the worst.  Noah didn't start building when it started to rain.

Folks, the Supreme Court just turned down an opportunity to resolve a case between states for the election of the Chief Executive.  It's getting cloudy, and a flood is increasingly likely.  By virtue of your experience and your training, you are the instrument in this situation.  Get busy and start building those arks.  


07 September 2020

The Alternative Preamble --OR-- The Inherent Right to Your Pain.

The Alternative Preamble


The Inherent Right to Your Pain.

Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness?

Life, liberty, and the mitigation of individual suffering?

Life, liberty, and the inherent responsibility of the individual to accurately identify and deal with our own pain?

Three manners of saying the same thing. Folks, 99% of life isn't dedicated to "pursuing happiness". It's dedicated to threat mitigation, so that each of us can identify those things that will most likely kill us.

I think Jefferson/the Framers came up with a nice bumper-sticker, but I think they elided over the true function of the utility of freedom. Sure, we'd all like to be unrestricted in our mobility up the hierarchy, but each of us is much more interested in accurately being able to identify the things that will result in our demise, and be free to overcome those threats, (specifically those who were on the American Frontier in 1776). Whether those threats are British occupying forces, hostile Natives, feral predators, criminals, robber-baron creditors, monopolistic oil or railroad interests, invading carpet-baggers, Jim Crow Democrat political machines, or Silicon Valley Utopians, our response to these potential threats should be as unrestricted as possible. Because, once those threats are mitigated, the "pursuit of happiness" is much easier, by several orders of magnitude.

As we are frequently reminded by Karen shaking her finger at you: "you can't know his pain." This is true, and it's actually the basis for why the government, and you (yes you) should leave me the fuck alone so that I can deal with it in an integrated manner. Go back and reread the Declaration of Independence with this mindset, rather than the shiny "pursuit of Happiness" prelude, and tell me I'm wrong. I'll wait.

Here's the deal. Whether you read Alexandr Solzhenitsyn, Victor Frankl, or Martin Luther King, the commonality that runs through the narrative of all three is that tyranny began at precisely the point where individuals were lumped into groups. Cordoned off into sub-categories of humans. Each one of those sub-categories had something terrible done to them. Yes, their "pursuit of happiness" was limited, but what does that even mean?

No, something more onerous was done to them: Their suffering, their pain, was taken from them, combined, and then dictated to them by someone who didn't even know them, whom they had never met, who cared nothing for them, and to whom their individual identity was nothing more than an entry on a demographic spreadsheet. Groups don't suffer. Groups can't feel pain. Individuals suffer, and the pain of the individual is his responsibility to mitigate. It is only possible for that individual to do so. Nobody can take your pain and fix it. You do that.

That is the danger of a tyranny, and the very manner of its consolidation around the necks of a given nation. Tyranny attributes the degree and effect of those grievances to groups of people, and refers to them as "the downtrodden". Those people, grateful that they seem to have gained a sympathetic ear, buy into a narrative that tells how their group has uniquely suffered along this mortal coil, this panapoly of suffering. Blame is assigned. Pejoratives are assigned ("Kulaks", "Juden") Those groups are persecuted.

Ask any lower class Ukrainian in 1927 to identify who was persecuting him, and he'll respond "The Kulaks!"

Ask any lower class Chinaman in 1958 to identify who was persecuting him, and he'll respond "The Intellectuals!"

You see my point. Each of these examples demonstrate how the pain of the individual was subsumed into the resentment that was convenient to people who could give a flying fuck at a rolling doughnut whether these poor, benighted individuals lived or died. The pain of these individuals was their own, it was taken from them, mandated that they be outraged by it, and then was subsequently forged into a weapon to enslave all of them.

Many of you don't share my race, creed, religion, national origin, or age, but each of you has value because you're an American citizen. That was the deal. I don't want anyone to come around and assume your pain and take responsibility for it from you. It is yours, and your individual agency is tied specifically to how well you choose to deal with that pain, that suffering, and grow past it, through it, and to ultimately transcend it. It is the immutable responsibility before every human to do that, to teach our children how we managed to do it, and to derive satisfaction from having beaten it. Tyranny wishes to take that process from you.

What is at stake here is our very soul. Each of us is indelibly marked by the pain that we've overcome. Each scar marks something that we've learned. These scars are precisely what identify us as individuals. Different from every other person. Worthy of being considered as an effective contributor to this society. Not your race. Not your religion. Not your national origin. Not your age.

Don't let them assume your pain. It is not theirs, it is uniquely yours. Overcome it. Learn from it. Allow that process to specifically identify you, not some arbitrary trait that someone else wants to rope you into. It's who you are. Don't let them take it from you.